1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
Howeve : Sin embargo
Rather: sino más
might: Sugerir
The need for ethics in leadership
“However, one might legitimately question the need for the study of ethics in leadership. If we think about it, the greatest number of organizations that exist are in the business and government sectors, which, it might be argued, really are or should be unconcerned with ethics or morality. The argument might be that ethics and morality are or ought to be the exclusive preserve of religious and, possibly, educational organizations. When morality intrudes into the business organization, it has the potential of diverting business leaders from the organization's primary objectives and, as a result, causing it to be inefficient and to deprive stockholders of their due returns. Surely, the founder did not start the business to promote morality but rather to earn a profit and créate wealth. Similar questions can also be raised about the role of ethics in non-proflt organizations, including the government - the largest of all organizations in the country.”
Autor: Manuel Mendoca y Rabindra N. Kanungo. Ethical Leadership. Ediciones McGrawHill. Año 2007. p.p. 2-3
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
La necesidad de la ética en el liderazgo
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de contenido: organizations, government
•Palabras de Función: about, The
- Sustantivos: ethics, morality
•Verbos: think, study, intrudes
•Adverbio: really possibly
•Adjetivo: legitimately, diverting
•Artículo: The, a
•Preposiciones: for , about
•Conjunción: If, and
•Cognados verdaderos: organizations , similar
•cognados Falsos: no existen
•Sufijo: government , surely
•Prefijos: inefficient
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
“However, one might legitimately question the need for the study of ethics in leadership"
Frase nominal : “However, one
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: one
2. pre modificadores: However post modificadores: the need
Frase verbal : might legitimately question the need for the study of ethics in leadership
1.Nucleo de la frase verbal : might
2.Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple
"If we think about it, the greatest number of organizations that exist are in the business and government sectors, which, it might be argued, really are or should be unconcerned with ethics or morality
Frase nominal: If we
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: we
2. Pre modificadores: If
Frase verbal : think about it, the greatest number of organizations that exist are in the business and government sectors, which, it might be argued, really are or should be unconcerned with ethics or morality
1.Nucleo de la frase verbal: think
2.Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple
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