viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010


Durante el desarrollo de la primera sesión de clase, la facilitadora explicó el uso adecuado del diccionario bilingue, lo que genero una mayor  conocimiento sobre la utilización del mismo, destacando aquellos aspectos atinentes a la organización por orden alfabético, las abreviaturas y la localización de las palabras; asi mismo, se realizo una actividad a través de un articulo cuyo titulo es : Ten Truths about Leadership, suministrado por la profesora Doris Molero con el propósito de identificar las diversas categorias lexicales en el mencionado texto, tales como: Sustantivos, Verbos, Adjetivos, Adverbios, Artículos,Preposiciones, Conjunciones, Demostrativos, Prefijos,Sufijos, Cognados Veraderos y Falsos.

A continuación se presenta el texto antes mencionados para su respectivo análisis conforme a los parámetros indicados. El mismo puede se encontrado Documento en línea:

Ten Truths about Leadership

In the last 30 years James Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of the highly regarded leadership classic The Leadership Challenge, have studied leaders all over the world. They understand leadership.

The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, “the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction.

Based on thirty years of research—more than one million responses to their leadership assessment—Kouzes and Posner have gathered together in The Truth about Leadership, the ten truths that have stood the test of time and they hold true both globally and cross-generationally. They devote a chapter to each of these ten concepts:

Truth #1 You Make a Difference. Before you lead you have to believe that you can have a positive impact on others. When you believe you can make a difference, you position yourself to hear the call to lead.

Truth #2 Credibility Is the Foundation of Leadership. If people don’t believe in you, they won’t willingly follow you. You must do what you say you are going to do. This means being so clear about your beliefs that you can live them every day.

Truth #3 Values Drive Commitment. You need to know what you believe in because you can only fully commit to the organization or cause when there is a good fit between what you value and the organization values. This is true too, for the people you lead.

Truth #4 Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart. You have to be forward looking; it’s the quality that most differentiates leaders from individual contributors. You need to spend time reflecting on the future. Big dreams that resonate with others inspire and energize.
Truth #5 You Can’t Do It Alone. Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others in the cause. You need to enable others to be even better than they already are.

Truth #6 Trust Rules. To enlist others, you need trust. Build mutual trust; you must trust others too.

Truth #7 Challenge Is the Crucible of Greatness. Great achievements don’t happen when you keep things the same. Change invariably involves challenge, and challenge tests you. It introduces you to yourself. It brings you face-to-face with your level of commitment, your grittiness, and your values. It reveals your mindset about change.

Truth #8 You Either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All. You have to go first as a leader. That’s what it takes to get others to follow your lead.
Truth #9 The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners. Learning is the master skill of leadership. Leaders are constant improvement fanatics.
Truth #10 Leadership Is an Affair of the Heart. Leaders love what they’re doing and those they lead. Leaders make others feel great themselves and are gracious in showing their appreciation.

These truths should form the basis of any leadership development program. Even more, they are the motivation behind the right kinds of behaviors that go into the formation of good and sustainable leadership.

There are no shortages of problems and opportunities…. Leadership is not about telling others they ought to solve these problems. It’s about seeing a problem and accepting personal responsibility for doing something about it. And it’s about holding yourself accountable for the actions that you take. The next time you see a problem and say “Why doesn’t someone do something about this?” take a look in the mirror and say instead, “I’ll be the someone to do something about it.”

A continuación procedemos a extraer la idea principal del texto y la traducción del mismo, asi como la  identificación de las diversas categorias lexicales encontradas en el texto : Sustantivos, Verbos, Adjetivos, Adverbios, Artículos,Preposiciones, Conjunciones, Demostrativos, Prefijos,Sufijos, Cognados Veraderos y Falsos.
1. Leer el texto por completo. -

2. Subrayar las palabras que no entiende y buscarlas en el diccionario. -

Commitment: compromiso.
fully: Completamente.
reveals: divulgar

3. Escribir cual es la idea principal del texto. -

En el mismo se hace un cuestionamiento sobre la idea, conceptualización y ejercicio del liderazgo en la actualidad en constrate con la apreciación de éste en el pasado; dicha afirmación la presentan dos importantes investigadores a nivel mundial sobre el liderazgo, como son James Kouzes y Barry Posner, ellos manifiestan que si bien es cierto, el contexto  a cambiado, los componentes básicos de la dirección no han evolucionados mucho, por cuanto los comportamientos fundamentales, acciones y prácticas de los líderes se han mantenido esencialmente iguales.

4. Identificar el tiempo verbal general del texto -

    Presente Perfecto Continuo:
5. Identificar al menos dos palabras de las siguientes categoría lexicales:

Sustantivos:  James ,   Action,  People

Verbos:  Studied, develop

Adjetivos: same, team

Adverbios: dramatically, essentially

Articulos:  The

Preposición: From, on , about

Conjunción: and , but

Demostrativos: That , This
Prefijo: invariably
Cognados Verdaderos: organization , fundamental
Cognados Falsos:

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